Redefining ATSE's Digital Presence with Aceik

Unifying ATSE's digital presence, to enhance how they present their mission, and role in supporting and driving excellence in the STEM sector, for all Australians.

Strategy Design Technical Managed Services

The challenge

ATSE's network of websites, tailored to various audiences, goals, learning initiatives, and programs, no longer served their intended purposes. The fragmented digital presence failed to reflect ATSE’s mission, the prestige of its fellowship, or the significance of STEM. The primary audience, digital natives, found the websites lacking in sophistication and engagement.

Key challenges included:

  • Website Consolidation: Merging four distinct websites into one unified digital platform.

  • User Experience: Creating a consistent and engaging UI experience.

  • Content Management: Simplifying content authoring and maintenance.

  • Operational Efficiency: Reducing redundancy and complexity in website management.

  • Brand Alignment: Elevating the digital experience to match ATSE's brand identity.

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The approach

Aceik undertook a comprehensive redesign and redevelopment project, focusing on the following areas:

  1. Human-Centered Design (HCD): Engaged stakeholders and users in the design process to ensure the final digital experience met their needs.

  2. WCAG 2.2 Standards: Designed the site to meet 100% WCAG 2.2 standards, prioritising mobile performance and accessibility.

  3. Salesforce Integration: Integrated data from Salesforce (SF) to create a single source of truth, enhancing the value of ATSE’s investment in the platform.

  4. Agile Delivery: Adopted an agile approach, delivering quick time to value, iterative improvements, and the flexibility to refine requirements.

  5. Technical and Design Expertise: Leveraged Aceik’s technical knowledge and design capabilities to create a sophisticated and user-friendly platform.

Journey Maps


The project delivered exceptional results, exceeding the expectations of ATSE’s stakeholders:

  1. Unified Digital Platform: Successfully amalgamated four websites into a single, cohesive platform, providing a consistent user experience.

  2. Enhanced User Experience: Created a more intuitive and visually cohesive browsing experience, praised by all project stakeholders.

  3. Streamlined Content Management: Simplified content authoring and maintenance, reducing administrative overhead.

  4. Improved Operational Efficiency: Centralised website management, reducing redundancy and complexity.

  5. Brand Alignment: Elevated the digital experience to align closely with ATSE’s brand identity, enhancing its prestige and resonance.

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Key higlights

  • Umbraco Cloud with Salesforce Integration: Leveraged the power of Umbraco Cloud and integrated data from Salesforce.

  • Mobile Performance: Prioritied mobile accessibility and performance.

  • Stakeholder Engagement: Engaged in extensive HCD processes to ensure stakeholder satisfaction.

  • Consistent UI and Brand: Achieved a consistent UI experience that reinforces ATSE's brand identity.

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"Working with Aceik on our website consolidation project was a comprehensive and considered experience. We faced the challenge of integrating a dated and difficult-to-navigate main site, a separate members site, and two sub-program sites, each with different audiences and minimal cross-linkages.

The Aceik team facilitated a thoughtful discovery process to consolidate the many facets of our business into one site with a unique identity and simple navigation. The result is an enhanced brand and user experience.

An unexpected benefit has been a mindset shift within our business teams, fostering closer collaboration and breaking down silos. This project has highlighted that past complexity was unhelpful to our brand and offerings in the STEM sector.

I look forward to seeing how this project will project a better version of ATSE and showcase our unique offering to wider audiences."

Edwyn Shiell (He/Him)
Director, Strategic Communications and Outreach



Aceik’s work with ATSE stands as a testament to our ability to deliver tailored, high-impact digital experiences on fit-for-purpose composable digital experience platforms. By consolidating ATSE's digital presence into one unified platform, we have significantly enhanced the user experience, streamlined operations, and aligned the digital presence with ATSE’s prestigious brand.

The success of this project demonstrates Aceik’s commitment to excellence and innovation in the digital space.

Thank you
From the project team at Aceik thanks to Liz, Edwyn and the whole ATSE project team for their contributions and insights during the project.


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